Hör- und Geruchswahrnehmungen im Deutschen und Polnischen – ein sprachlicher Vergleich und dessen theoretisch-methodologische Implikationen / Comparison of auditory and olfactory expressions in German and Polish and its theoretical and methodological implications
Przemysław Staniewski, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (ORCID: 0000-0002-1903-6316)
data publikacji online: 2021-05-01
s. 181–200
Słowa kluczowe: olfactory and auditory perception, sense hierarchy, basic (color) terms, onomatopoeia
Concerning the Aristotelian hierarchy of the senses, hearing as the higher sense should be lexically diversified and rich in the basic terms, as the visual modality is. This paper suggests that, on the contrary, auditory perception is very limited in this respect and resembles olfaction. Even the onomatopoetic expressions, which could be viewed as a sign of lexical richness of hearing, should be regarded a mere source reference strategy.